Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Riches of Life

I'm sitting here in Hillcrest Baptist Hospital .With my wife who just had emergency surgery to have a tumor removed from her stomach. Along with 3/4 of her stomach. Doesn't seem that long ago we were facing the fight of drug addiction and trying to regain custody of our 3 sons.  God was doing a mighty work 60 months ago.  Cedar Creek Baptist Church was actively reaching out and loving us through that.   And now here we are  54 months clean, boys been home for 43 months, and we find ourselves facing the fight of cancer recovery.  Once again God is doing a mighty work in our lives. Once again CCBC is actively reaching out and loving us, but in a whole new way. I have been blown away with new people[ones that weren't there 60months ago] who's lives have been touched by my wife and through our ministry at CCBC.  I know what it truly means to "be rich".  I have never been loved by so many, & encouraged by so many.  Experiencing the Hands and Feet of Christ in this situation reminds me, 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 " Rejoice always, pray without ceasing ; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will, for you[me] in Christ Jesus."  This passage isn't saying that it was God's will for my wife to have cancer and emergency surgery. Its God's will for me to Rejoice, Pray, and give Him Thanks.  He is the one giving me the ability to do those things. Man I am telling you , THIS IS RICH!

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys! I am so thankful... and I love that verse_totally praying for you guys !
